Webb has a lot of pretty words meaning absolutely nothing. The times aren't new and the opportunities require action. Webb must be living in some other country.
Webb sees opportunities in the Obama campaign. I don't.
Obama hasn't challenged one single aspect of capitalism. The system is decaying before our eyes with horrible human suffering the consequence.
I don't see the Communist Party availing itself of any new opportunities. What I see is Webb doing the same thing Obama is doing. Nothing about anything. Plants and factories closing. People out of work. I don't see Sam Webb out among the people anyplace. I read the PWW. If there was no PWW I would get the exact same news off the internet. No analysis of anything.
Vote for Obama. That is no solution to anything. I guess Webb must have some inside information because he sure is putting all of his eggs in this one basket even if he claims he isn't.
Last year we lost our home in a foreclosure. I read this article by Webb and it makes me sick. If the Communist Party doesn't inspire fight-back and leadership the people are lost. They don't know what is happening to them or why.
Len Fletcher; Chicago, Illinois